Questions and Answers

What is the Patient Portal and how can it help me?

Our Patient Portal is designed to give you 24/7 access to health information provided by our practice.

You can use this Portal to:

  • Access reports, lab results, Clinical Document Architecture (CDA) and your demographic information.
  • Request a new appointment.
  • Review your upcoming appointments.
  • Communicate with our office staff via secure messages.

Create an Account

How can I create an account?

From the login screen, click on the "Start Now!" button and follow the prompts.

What information do I need to create an account?
  • A username and password.
  • A valid Email address. You will receive important notifications later.
  • Demographic information including your
    • full name
    • gender
    • date of birth
    • ethnicity
    • race
    • preferred language
    • contact phone number
    • complete home address
  • Setup security questions to protect your account.
Why do I need to provide my personal information?

We will need your demographic information to verify your account. Your information will be kept secure under the HIPAA Privacy Rules.

Can I change my personal information later?

Once your account is setup and verified by our office, you can see your demographic information under "Profile". If you want to make any changes, you can submit a request from that page. We will be happy to update your information.

Why do I need to answer security questions?

Security questions are designed to protect access to your information. You will need to answer these security questions if you want to reset your password in future.


How do I login to the system?

You will need your username and password information to access the system.

What if I don't know my username?

The first time you access the Patient Portal, you will create an account. Click the button "Start Now!" and create your login username and password from there.

In the future, if you forget your username please contact us.

What if I forgot my password?

If you have a username but you forgot your password, select "Forgot your password?" to reset your password.

Why can't I login?
  • All fields are case sensitive. Check to see if the "Caps Lock" key is being used.
  • Please also allow a few seconds delay to login after you hit "Enter" or press the "Login" button if your Internet speed is slow.
  • Verify that your username and/or password are correct.
  • Please read any other error messages carefully.
  • If the issue continues, please contact us.

Home Page

To what information should I pay attention on the Home page?

After successfully logging in, the first screen you will see is the Home page. First time users should follow the prompts to complete the login process. Each time you login to the Patient Portal you can see notifications about New Forms, Appointments and New Messages.

How can I change the size of the text to make it easier to read?

If you have difficulty reading the content, you can use the "font resize buttons" at the top left of your view. Just click the buttons to change the text size until you are satisfied.

What are the buttons on the left side of the page?

These buttons give you information about New Forms, Appointments and New Messages. Following each link will direct you to the content. You can also see announcements from our office in this section.


How do I make an appointment?

There are two options.

  • From the "Appointments" tab go to "New Request", or
  • From the "Home" tab to go to "Request Appointment" button under "Before your visit".

You will be directed to the same page. Follow the prompts carefully.

The progress indicator will show the steps you have completed. You will need to:

  • Choose a date from the calendar and time range from dropdown box.
  • Give us the reason for your visit and provide a daytime contact phone number.
  • Give the referring provider name and contact information if necessary.
  • Review your request and submit. You can also add notes.
What should I do after I request an appointment?

You will see a confirmation message once the request is submitted. After the appointment is confirmed by our office, you can view your request in the "Upcoming" button under the "Appointments" tab.

How do I know my appointment is confirmed?

A practice staff member will Contact you to confirm the appointment. Once the appointment is confirmed, you can view your request in the "Upcoming" button under the "Appointments" tab.

Can I change or cancel my appointment? If so, how?

While your request is pending, you can cancel the request by clicking the "Cancel" button. After the appointment is confirmed, you are no longer able to make changes from the Patient Portal. You will need to contact us directly to cancel or change the appointment.


Why do I need to fill out a New Patient form?

For security reasons, each new or established patient must complete a one-time "New Patient" form. Each patient must be verified our office before any medical data can be provided. The New Patient form helps us verify the account. Users will not be able to make appointments or access other content without a verified New Patient form.

Why can't I see the forms?

You don't need to worry unless you are sure the form should be given to you. Contact us if you have questions.

When will I need to fill out forms?

New Patient forms are required to confirm your identity. You may also need to fill out other forms depending on the reason you are coming to see us.

How do I open forms?

PDF forms are provided. To open the forms, you will need to have Adobe®Viewer installed on your computer. If you have trouble viewing the forms, you will need to download and install Adobe® Viewer from here.

How can I fill out forms online?

Some forms are "read-only" which means you don't need to fill out anything. However, before you fill out a form you first need to open it. Internet Explorer is the only browser we recommend to fill form online. If you are not using the right browser, please follow the message to switch or download browser. After the form is completed press the "submit" button. You can also print a copy for your records.

Can I print forms?

If you prefer paper forms, you can print the forms and fill them out by hand. To print forms, you will first need to open the form. Hover the mouse over the form and you will see a row of buttons appear at the bottom of the screen. Click the picture that looks like a printer. Follow the instructions to print. You can also print copies of forms you have filled out using the same process.


How to find a report?

After each office visit, a report should be posted to this portal for you to view. Select the time range and then click the "Refresh" button. You can also select a time range from "this month", "last month", "this year", "last year" or "all time".

How do I view a report?

PDF forms are provided. To open a report, you will need to have Adobe® Viewer installed on your computer. If you have trouble viewing a report, you will want to download and install Adobe® Viewer from here.

What does a report mean to me?

You'll have access to your reports soon after each visit. An electronic report is faster and more efficient than traditional paper reports. You will have access to your information 24/7.

Why don't I see any reports?

Please allow 1-3 business days for us to create and upload the reports. Be sure that you choose the correct date range. If you are still having problems, contact us.

Health Record

What should I expect to see in my health record?

You are expected to see your lab results, the basic health history we've recorded in our office, and a Clinical Document Architecture (CDA) under "Health Record" session. Remember, this information includes electronic data only. Service information rendered prior to the electronic data will not be entered in to the system.

What is a CDA?

A Clinical Document Architecture (CDA) includes an overview of your entire electronic medical record. It will include your demographic information, allergies, adverse reactions, alerts, medications, problem list, a history of procedures, relevant diagnostic tests and/or laboratory data, functional status, immunizations, plan of care, reason for referral, social history and vital signs.

Why do I need a CDA?

A Clinical Document Architecture (CDA) will give you a 24/7 overview of your electronic medical information. A CDA is also helpful if you want to change doctors or go to another practice.

How can I view my lab result?

Select the lab result you want to view from the left-hand side of the page. (ex. blood chemistry, drug levels, etc.) You can choose a time range for the results. You can either pick a specific date range or choose a time range to view. The lab result will show with graph and table of data facts. Lab information rendered prior to the electronic data will not be entered in to the system.

How can I understand the lab data?

Each lab result graph has a legend and you can choose which result(s) to view. Click on the lab result. A graph will appear if there are any results for that lab test. You may see a dialog icon below the graph if your doctor has made any comments. Click on the icon to view the comment about the test. If you have problems understanding the results, please contact us.

Why didn't I see any lab results?

Please allow 1-4 business days for processing. Only Lab Information for selected Labs we ordered for you is available. You will not see Labs ordered by any other Provider. If the problem persists, please contact us.

What are Orders?

Orders can be for anything from Patient Education to a request for lab or x-ray. They are the documents verifying the instructions that your provider has given you.

Why are Orders important to me?

This information is directly related to the health care that is given to you. Valuable information is provided in the Orders.

How long does this information stay in the Patient Portal?

This information is easily accessible to you as long as you need it.

What do I have to do when I see the orders?

When there is a new Order, you will see notification on Home page. Select the Order and click the "view" button to mark it viewed. Follow the instructions given in the Order. If you have any questions about the Order, please contact us directly.

What is in the History tab?

This section contains information about your Social, Family and Medical Histories.

What if I want to make a correction to my History?

If you want to make a correction to your history, please call or send a secure message to us.


Why isn't my current prescription listed?

Please allow several business days to process the prescription. If you still have questions, please contact us.

What do the different prescription statuses mean?

"Rx is pending"- your refill request is pending the doctors approval.

"Sent" – your electronic prescription was sent to your pharmacy.

"Called" – your prescription was called into your pharmacy.

"Print" – a copy of your prescription can be printed.

How can I request a prescription refill?

Under "Request Refill", find the name of the medication. Click on the "refill" button. Your request will be sent the moment you confirm your request. The status will change to "Pending".

Where is my prescription refill request?

When you see the status 'your Rx was sent an eRx' or the status 'Your Rx was called in', it means that your prescription was sent to your pharmacy. Otherwise please be patient or contact your doctor for details.


How can I compose a secure message?
  • Click on the "Messages" tab and click on the "Compose New" button.
  • Click on "Compose Message".
  • Click on the green "Address Book" button on the right side of the screen.
  • Choose one or multiple receivers by checking the box next to the name.
  • You can either type in your "Subject" or choose from the dropdown list on the right side of the "Subject" line. Please notice that you can't leave the "Subject" box empty.
How do I use the Address Book?

For security purposes, messages can only be sent to designated receivers. Click on the "Address Book", for a list of approved receivers. You can sort the list by first name, last name or work group. Just click on the title to change the sort selection. You can select the names of one or multiple receivers and they will appear in the "Send To" box. Click on the "back arrow" to exit the list.

What if I can't find a name in the Address Book?
  • Try re-sorting the contacts by name. Just click on the column title to change the sort.
  • Try typing keywords in the search box under any title you want to search
  • Don't miss the content on other pages. It is possible to miss when you have a long list.
  • If you still can't find the name you are looking for, please contact us.
How do I use the message template shortcuts?

Sometimes your "Subject" has a pre-set message template for the content. From the "Subject" dropdown box you can click on a title. The message content will automatically appear. You can change the Subject and/or the content to customize it to meet your needs.

How can I confirm that my message was sent?

After a message is sent you will be redirected to your "Sent" box. You will see the date and time your message was sent. You can also view your previously sent messages from this section.

What does "Partly Successful" mean after sending a message?

When you send a message to multiple receivers, there is chance that one or more of the receivers may fail to get your message. "Partly Successful" is an alert to let you know who did NOT get your message. You can try sending the message again or contact us for solutions.

Is there a limit on message length?

Messages should not exceed a maximum length of 1024 characters, which are about 250 words.


How do I benefit from this education section?

The Education section is to help you better understand your problem, medical terminology and your prescription. You will find definition and a preset Google search link for each item.

How to find the specific educational information?

To access educational content you can directly go to this section and choose "Problem List", "Lab" or "Medication" to view. It includes all problem, lab item and medication that are in your record. Each title is clickable comes with definition and/or Google search link. To find more specific information you can click on the link under "Health Record" – "CDA". This will direct you to the education section.


How can I change my demographic information?

If your demographic information needs to be updated, please click on the "Report Changes" button located in the lower right corner of the screen. This will inform our staff. For security reasons you can't change your demographic information from the Patient Portal.

How can I add insurance information?

Under the "My Insurance" section you will see your current medical insurance information. You can also add insurance information by clicking on "Add Insurance". Enter your insurance company name and click "Search" Complete the rest of the required fields. Once you submit the information, it will show under "Pending Insurance Information".

How can I use the clinic information?

Patient Portal also provides clinic information for your convenience. You can find your doctor's information, our location, contact number and a map with driving directions.

How can I change my password?

To change your password, go to the "Security" section and click on "Change Password". Enter your current password and your new password. Confirm your new password by typing it again.

What if I forget the answers to my security questions?

If you forget the answers to your security questions, you can verify possible answers or update the answers with a new answer.

Why I can't change my user name?

When you register an account, your information is linked to the unique ID which is your username. Therefore, you can change your password or demographic information, but you can't change your username.

What is Activity History?

All your online activity, including login to the portal, will be recorded in this section. Use the filter on top to find the activity record you want.